Question 012

### Which of these is true about the GitHub secret scanning partner program? (Choose three.) > - [x] It is a program where service providers can provide GitHub with the regex patterns of secrets that they issue so GitHub secret scanning can recognize them. - [x] When GitHub identifies a secret from a partnered service provider, it notifies the service provider about the leaked secret. - [x] The partner can take actions upon receiving notification from GitHub about a leaked secret, such as revoking the secret and informing the owner of the compromised secret. - [ ] It grants the partner access to the secret GitHub scanning API so that the service provider can scan GitHub repositories for secrets that match their format. > GitHub is always responsible for running the secret scanning, not the partner. - [ ] GitHub has the ability to automatically revoke leaked secrets and notify the service provider that they have been invalidated by GitHub. > GitHub does not participate in the revocation of leaked secrets; the service provider has the option to do so.